Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Beremy Bear

On Thursday at Music Train it was W's turn to bring home Beremy Bear for the week. This has meant lots of arguments between C and W as to who will brush his teeth and hair (as if they need help to find something to argue about). It also means I am supposed to take photos of W and Beremy 'doing things together'. Well to be fair it isn't a good week for that sort of thing and the printer is playing up so I will need to ask Daddy if he can print out photos at work. To do this and have the book written up by Thursday means I may have to be a bit creative because so far I have taken precisely three photos of B Bear.

Today has been a bit manic, School drop, stand in huge queue at main post office as the small one is shut for a week for refurbishment, speech therapy (better this week as we are combining sounds which he does have some issues with), Goslings drop, home for lunch then on to drop-in, two pick ups, homework, tea. Now I only have to get C ready for Rainbows, W for bed, W asleep before N&P arrive to babysit while I head up to school for Governors meeting. Phew I am tired just thinking about today.

Edit: Today it has been sub zero all day and has snowed on and off, with the wind chill it is bitter. Very different to a year ago when sun hats were in order. If the kids sat in that bit of the garden at the moment they would probably sink into the ground it is so wet underfoot.

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