Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

A crafty box

Back blipping on Friday morning.

The day started reasonable - I even got a load of washing dry on the line - mainly thanks to the brisk wind.  And W managed to get the cage for the fruit bed finished, so the birds cannot pinch all the strawberries.  But by lunchtime, the wind was not just brisk, it was positively wild, and the rain was falling.  I had a lovely couple of hours in the studio with a friend, playing flute duets.

A few months ago, I subscribed to a monthly sewing craft box, in an attempt to introduce me to new types of sewing.  The first couple of boxes were projects that mainly required machine sewing, and I have to admit, they have been stored away in a box for the moment, as I currently have my machine sewing time filled with the Advent calendar project.

But the third box arrived yesterday, and is a hand stitching project to make some rather cute stuffed felt animals.  The felt colours are lovely, and in the paper bag are matching embroidery threads to use for sewing it up, and a packet of needles (to join my MANY other needles).  I'm not sure what I will do with them once they are sewn - I suspect they will have to join the pile of stuff to take to Sweden, but they'll make a nice compact kit to take away on holiday.

The last couple of holidays, I haven't really had my "sewing head" on and although I've taken stuff, I've not really made much progress with anything.  Also, the lighting is often too poor in the self catering accommodation.  But this time, I'm going to take a lamp with me, as I suspect we will be spending quite a lot of time in the flat - especially if this thoroughly inclement weather doesn't improve.  Despite that, we're looking forward to the break - being away from home takes away the guilt one might feel at not getting on with stuff in the garden.  Only one more sleep - and we plan to be up and away early as we have quite a long drive.  So we'll be packing tonight.  And I'll have to get today's blip posted this evening, as I won't be wanting to do it tomorrow!

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