
By maureen6002

Lost in space

Sorry for my unusually brief journal entry yesterday; I have now added an explanation of the ‘mystery objects’! Thank you for your good wishes; it’s been another ‘recovery’ day today - partly enforced by unrelenting rain. I’m feeling better, though still not quite right. I’ve also spent more time on the phone to our local hospital - a fairly regular occurrence - trying to sort out why my referral to a specialist London hospital that was made a full year ago still has not gone through funding, necessary because England and Wales have separate funding arrangements. It is an administrative nightmare - and means a whole year has now gone by without me seeing a consultant. Who knows how long the wait will be now...... 

So, no walks today. This is where a stash of collected blippables comes into its own. I still have some of the dandelion seed heads I collected for my blip on April 9th - their stems by now shrivelled and useless. 

They are impossibly fragile, shedding their tiny parachutes as soon as I move them, and of course, I want to try to capture them with water droplets yet again, making them even more eager to disintegrate. I decide to try to photograph them resting on a mirror, to give the sensation of floating - strange luminous alien creatures, lost in space or floating in the deepest ocean. 

I guess seed heads count as flowers, and that dandelions are wild - hence the double tag. 

Thanks to BikerBear and to Miranda for hosting! 

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