It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

Me Mucka Mon

I didn't feel very good when I woke up this morning. My head and sinuses were full resulting in a thumping head. Rosemary suggested that I didn't go to work but I wanted to. It was freezing outside, especially on the walk from the train station to the office.

The morning was a long one but I decided to go out and get some filler shots for a course we're doing, thinking the fresh air would do me good. It's always fun when I'm out with Monica too. We headed to a secondary school in Denton and my hands had managed to freeze off by the time we had unloaded the bikes. The kids came out in PE kit and were then sent back to get more clothes on.

The light was amazing. The sun was not quite behind, reflecting on some very dark clouds over the hills towards Oldham. Unfortunately, by the time we had finished the warm-up, the clouds were overhead, the wind rose and we found ourselves in a blizzard. Fortunately, the gym hall was available so we went in their.

One of the kids had their mobile phone out, and I overheard another saying "don't worry, they're not teachers so we'll be fine". Ha...a red rag to a bull. "Put your phone away" I said. "We're allowed to use them" I was told. "Cool..... I'll just check with the teacher then. Are you confident that they'll confirm what you said?" The phone shot away very quickly. They were good kids but full of mischief.

I got home a wee bit early which was good as I had the electrician coming. A few lights wouldn't go on and I didn't know why. It even took the spark 5 mins to work out that I had a faulty lightbulb in just worked intermittently so it wasn't immediately apparent. I need a new light fitting for the bathroom though. £25 for all my jobs!

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