Unforgettable is the Brightness of Your Being

Among the many flowers You love so dearly, My DearestLove, let me only recall the Wysteria and the Azalea. For this moment, because in Springtime You wish to visit all those special Gardens. Like the Japanese in Holland. Like there we have to look around to anywhere the colourfull flowering of nature is celebrating its exuberant resurrection. It can also be that hidden garden down here in Gardentown. There will always be a flourishing colour to discover.
You will recognize You own Forget-Me-Not. Once You had found a wild spot on a hillside with Your Special Friends, like the Myosotis, we would have to return in order to bring Her to Our Garden here. And how well done. Lately I have seen that all vegetation has been removed there. Gone, rudely rooted out all those Myosoties. We can be gratefull that You could rescue this one.
I would almost forget that both Our Beautifull Roses did not survive the harsh wintertime. It is a horrible sight. I waited very long, hoping to see a new sprout somewhere. But, I will have to cut them down to earth. We will have to start all over again to let them grow back into Our White Rose Arch. It will take a long time before Our Red Beauties will pop up over Our Balcony. Such is life. At least We will not forget the beaming of Your Unforgettable Myosotis.

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