Acorn Weevil Knievel

I spent a long time this cold dull afternoon trying to get decent shots of my busy bloo tits to blip. I did manage to get some nice ones but then it started to brighten up and get warmer so I put my kneeling pads on and went bug hunting.

I wasn't disappointed. First a damsel, then hoverflies, a female longhorn moth, a bishop's mitre shieldbug and a Roesel's bush cricket nymph. The icing on the cake was my favourite acorn weevil. I've been searching for these for weeks under the oak tree that MrQ saved. As I tried to get a better angle for a shot it crawled onto my hand. The warmth gave it a boost and I managed to get it taking off. A first me. Quite an unusual shot I think for this insect.

Imagine my distress then when Lightroom decided to dispense with my bug shots. :( I've had to get my other laptop out and have managed to upload it using Lightroom on that. 

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