A Day In The Life

By Irish59


The Gray Catbird mews so often when I’m in the yard. Is it me he’s warning others of, or is it a cat or another well-hidden predator? This one was carrying on so much I left the yard and walked into the woods to find it • After an exhausting day yesterday we went to bed early and slept pretty well. We’ve enjoyed a productive day today in our veggie garden planting a zucchini and summer squash, leeks, pumpkins and two variety of tomato plants. We also made two teepees for the cucumbers and scarlet runner beans that will be planted tomorrow. Thanks to blipper misswinterfinch for the tip that hummingbirds like scarlet runner beans :) • If the weather stays dry tomorrow we should finish planting the garden and the pots for the patio also. I’ll tell you more about that tomorrow! • Because I had a delayed reaction with the first shot we’re not sure if I’m in the clear yet with this one. MrsP’s arm is still pretty sore and a bit swollen around the jab site. We’re quite pleased with our current situation • Salad and Hercule Poirot are on the menu for this evening :)

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