Growing Rhubarb

A beautiful sunny day, with the odd cloud passing over.  It's been much warmer, but still a chilly breeze.

I think I had a good night, last night. I've most definitely paid for it today, first hangover this year!  Slept longer than planned, and missed a family morning at the beach!  I did catch up with Julie and family before they headed home to Unst.  Also popped by Laura's, only saw Elise.  A spot of gardening helped clear the head this afternoon.  An early start in the shop today.  More walkies with Sammy, and then feet up. 

Mam and dad headed south last night on the boat, away to fetch dad's new classic car.  While their away, I'll be down looking to the cat and greenhouse.  Me and Sammy headed out for a walk while down, and enjoyed the lovely day.  With May mostly being cold, things have been slow at growing.  The warmth today should speed thing up a little, and help the likes of this rhubarb.  Taken at Aith, Cunningsburgh.  

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