
By ruthie1

Splish Splash...

...chapped hands!

Today in the outdoor area we had the builder's yard, paint, bikes & trikes, diggers and dumper trucks in the sand, whiteboards & pens, wood work and an empty water tray with a little ice frozen in the bottom.

Only 8 children (out of 52) chose to come outside this afternoon, probably because it was so bitterly cold! However the group that did come out decided to use every available container to fill the water tray and explore and experiment with pipes, tubes and buckets. They spent the afternoon transferring water from the water butt in the corner, across the outdoor area, pouring it down drainpipes from one container to the other. There was some great problem solving, negotiating and working together and some very cold, little red hands!

You wouldn't know from these pictures, I think they have an almost warm feel with the sunshine and water but it was freeezzzing!!
The children didn't seem to notice the biting wind and freezing water but it took me nearly an hour to defrost my fingers once back inside!
It's someone else's turn tomorrow :-)

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