As it is

By asitis

Lionboy Geography according to Boo, Yogi & Nig

After having listened to the second book in the series by Zizou Corder, the girls have been interested in plotting the routes taken, and the places in the story.

It led to the drawing of this map, discussions on specific real life places (including finding pictures online) and discovering that the Lion of Marco is a very real feature of the city.

Sadly, we've lost our copies of these books somewhere along the way, we're currently surviving on an audio book of the second in the series. Once we find them (acquire them) we will read the whole series to the girls. I had thought that at 5 & 7 they would be too young, but it seems not. They may not be able to read yet but they do have an amazing level of understanding - through not having been dumbed down I guess.

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