In and out the Pesky Potholes

I spent quite a lot of today looking out of the window, fascinated by the shift between drizzle, rain and downpours.

Rather like the Inuits who have a multitude of names for different kinds of snow we should start a lexicon of names for rain.

I was lucky that I had my wake up cycle ride in the dry and I even managed half of my shopping outing thinking it actually wasn’t going to rain. However as I exited M&S with my pot of living basil, the rains came, but a light rain to get us adjusted which didn’t cause too much of a soaking. It wasn’t until I was ensconced at the table with my coffee, the crossword and a slice of hoarded Christmas cake that the proper downpour started.

The rain finally stopped about 3pm allowing me a pre wine o’clock promenade through the puddles and soggy paths of the Meadows and it’s still feeling like 8° in the east wind.

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