Delicate Rose

Busy day today. We drove to Hampshire to look at a second hand mini car which our son living in Switzerland asked us to look at as he was interested in buying it for both our grandsons to learn to drive, the boys are 18 and 21. They are returning to the U.K .permanently in 5 weeks. We thought the car was a bit too good for the boys, it was almost immaculate but it will be the car for the whole family initially. My husband took it out for a test drive and the deal was sealed. It will be delivered on their return. We then drove to their house which they visited briefly last August. It has been left empty since then and was left in a poor state by the last tenants. Our family had intended to come over to do some work on the house before they returned but that hasn’t been possible. It’s amazing the number of insects which have moved in. We will go over and give it a clean before they return. This is the only flower in their front garden and the extra is a swallow (or swift or house Martin) which I spotted at the mini garage.

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