Kendall is here

By kendallishere

LIstening to the tree

I had Baba time with Evan today and took him to the Audubon Society forest, where there is a loop trail among old growth trees. This is a Douglas Fir over 250 years old. I showed him how to feel the energy of the tree—how you can lean in and listen to a kind of humming energy, and then slowly bring your hands away and feel where the energy stops. He was totally into it and felt the energy stop about three inches away. I told him that tree was here when only the native people lived on this land, before any white people came. 

“That must have been a quiet time,” he said. “No cars, no computers or televisions. I would be bored, but maybe the trees liked it. But then again,” he kept thinking, “those woodpeckers.” He fingered some of the deep holes in the bark. “If I was a tree, those woodpeckers would drive me nuts.” 

Extra: a lighter moment.

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