The Pepper Patch

By PepperG

New Kodak on the Block

It was nice to discover that my favorite thrift stores near my daughter's home are still decent hunting grounds for old cameras (the thrift stores near us back home appear to have dried up). This is a late 40s Kodak 35 RF (rangefind or really funky - take your pick). The 35 was originally developed in Rochester and introduced in '38 in the United States (anticipating the impact of the coming war years). The RF was introduced immediately after the war so I imagine this camera and I are both baby boomers and older than dirt.

Bought as a display piece (at a display piece price) there a couple of others that may join this one once I've done some research.

Wearing a sweater ... I'm not in Florida anymore (and at the moment that's just fine with me)

Be well Blipfolk ... enjoy the adventure through your viewfinder.

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