The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Feelin' slightly more groovy

I got up today (yay!) and I still haven't gone back to bed, almost twelve hours later. Amazing.

As I had already cancelled my blood donation session and a massage client (intended to be my first in 14 months), I just had to decide what to do about the market stall. My CoVid PCR test result had come back negative, but I decided that I'm just not up to two days in the marketplace, talking to people with my husky voice. The manager agreed that Steve could take my place, which is handy as he can take a basket of my cards to sell.

After a bath, I hung out some washing ( it's a fine day!)  and got down to sorting out the big box of cards that had arrived yesterday. Took me a few hours, all told, to cellophane them and get them ready for selling, having first extracted the ones for customer orders. Midway through this task, I had to go and meet someone in a park on the other side of town. I did the walk , met the acquaintance, chatted and played with her kids. It was all very lovely, and they treated  me to an ice cream. As I was leaving, a bird pooed on my head...

In town, I discovered a new shop in a fairly unpromising location, not what you'd call a shopping street. Of course, I had to go and have a look. Mmm, interesting. I'll be back, when it actually opens.

A few more steps around town, searching in vain for some blooming cereal bars that I used to buy, that have  been advertised on TV recently. Could I find them anywhere? No, of course not! Three shops later, I went and found Steve, who was setting up his stall. He gave me a lift home because he needed to get something anyway, and I went back to card-sorting.

Now I've had supper (half a g-f pie), brought in the washing, etc, etc. Feeling kind of achey but more human today. Wondering which tablets to take: I haven't taken any today, as yet! That's a breakthrough in itself..

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