
By Grammy

We All Scream for Ice Cream

Sunny and warm all day; no rain, just like yesterday’s disappointment. At least we are fortunate enough to have a sprinkler system that waters the front and side lawn, some flower beds and our garden. My watering hose can reach everything else. Fitbit says I got less than five hours sleep so I was sluggish today at best. Yahoo! All my flowers and vegetables have been planted. Feels so good. I was outside only about two hours but it was long enough to burn my face and neck. First day that’s happened. This afternoon, the Knights and some wives served ice cream sundaes to the students at our parish school. I added strawberry syrup for those who wanted it. They do this every spring and fall. The kids were delighted and quite polite and grateful as they came through the line. So were the teachers. It was a no uniform day. Got to see my three grandchildren who attend SJS and SIL who is the parish Facilities Manager (busy guy!). And they had enough leftovers for the helpers. Mmmmm. Hubby cut grass at church and home. He ordered new glasses lens and shopped a bit. I started back on the graduation table favors but soon fell asleep for a few hours. Finished the favors later. We supported our oldest grandson’s class fundraiser for dinner, such delicious pizza. “Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.” Cicero. The SJS students should grow up to be virtuous. Thanks for stopping by.

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