The Adventures of Emilia

By Emilias_mummy

Pedicure time

What better way to celebrate the end of a tough week than with a relaxing pedicure. Obviously I'm an independent lady and don't need no help cutting these toenails!

We have had a tough time this week, so not been keeping up with blip very well. I've been completely unable to find d my groove sleeping and have needed to use mama as a mobile hot water bottle for hours and hours every night. That fully she was on leave from work so could recover a bit in the day.

We have some appointments to check what's going on with my tummy next week and mama is getting help from a special sleep psychologist recommended from the doc in the mean time. I'm really not a fan of her since it seems to mean a lot of crying for me. And we've stopped the lactose in milk again, just in case it's that making me feel so bad.

Anyway, last night was a bit better and so hopefully we are heading in the right direction again . . . At this point, who knows?!

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