
I had Tiagito this morning - he absolutely loved playing in the park. He's started walking since I last had him, so lots of doddery steps round and round in circles. He's such a gorgeous soul, such a happy boy.
We had the new 24-7 couple over for lunch - good to get to know them a bit more. I think their 3 months will fly by... Then straight from that, early evening, we drove up north to visit some alpacas! It was Chris's birthday present to the kids but each time we were booked in it rained so the trip was cancelled. Anyway today the sun shone and all was good. Asha especially loved it - see extra for them eating carrots off her head. We drove home and I went straight up to Sa Penya and Danny, Chris and the kids went for ice cream. For various reasons SP didn't happen, so the silver lining was going and meeting the guys for an alpaca debrief!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Tiago being happy with me. He's not seen me for a few weeks, so I wondered if he might need time to resettle.
2) Ellie and Joel being kind to the kids.
3) Time with Chris away from Nude cafe.

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