Kinclaven Woods

A favourite place of ours for many years.  The best bluebell wood bar none.  Absolutely everywhere you look is a sea of bluebells.  Sold to the Woodland Trust a couple of years ago and is now a victim of its success as absolutely hoards of folks are descending on it at the weekend and a few are walking into the bluebells tramping over them to get photos in amongst them and the paths in some bits are really churned up.  The volunteer guy told us that a grandmother complained to him that the tree swing they made needs to be moved as her granddaughter who was about four, was tripping on the tree roots at the swing.  When he said that it was a personal responsibility issue she got angry and said no it was a health and safety issue and was going to report it.  I could not have this job dealing with morons like this, I feel would want to slap her face ;)

We sat a few minutes at Breagha’s spot of the Dog in the Log photo and was overcome with tears knowing how much she loved this wood and the excitement of new sniffs.  I wished so much she was here with us.

Going to come back next week (not the weekend)!

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