
‘What’ve you got there’ asks I.
‘Porridge’ says the Silverback.

‘You’ve never had that before’ sez I.
‘Not that you’ve seen’ says he.

‘Why today?’
‘They ran out of mushrooms’


‘Why does it have flowers on it?’ asks I.
‘It’s Artisanal porridge’

‘Artisanal?’ (new word, thinks I)
‘Made by an Artisan in a traditional manner’ says he.

‘Wot’s an Artisan?’
‘A skilled tradesman Enzo’.


Thinking music played in my mind for a moment -just like on telly -It was Dolly Parton singing ‘Jolene’!


‘If we’d gone to a cafe with a Chef, you could have had Mushrooms!’ Sez I.

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