
Saw my second ever snake yesterday! Not bad considering I’m nearly five!

Snakes in Australia get talked about a lot but mostly hide when they hear people coming, so are not often seen. The people who get bitten are usually inquisitive boys or macho-man types who feel the need to pick them up.

This one was beside the cycle path that leads to the next village. It’s a red-bellied black, so called because it’s black with a red belly; snake folk like to keep things simple!

Heard it described as the ‘rascal’ of venomous snakes once! Because it’s often hanging around and is rarely aggressive. Just don’t try and pick it up or it will defend itself!

They love to live in haystacks or under sheets of corrugated iron lying on the ground. Anywhere that’s nice and warm. Their venom is unlikely to kill an adult human, but small inquisitive children and dogs are a bit more of a risk.


I’m never inquisitive where snakes are concerned. Mum taught me better when I was a pup!

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