Out in a restaurant

Slightly disturbed night with the dog unhappy at not being allowed in the bedrooms so we were all up around 8. Decided a fast food breakfast was called for so that’s what we had.

Took Phin for his morning constitutional and when I came back found the others had retired back to bed, so whilst Phin had his morning nap I caught up with journals.

Managed to do a bit of weeding and a wee bit of the ironing mountain before getting ready to go out with my friend Susan.

She collected me and we went to a restaurant near her with plans to sit in their beer garden but as it had clouded over when we got there, we were pleased they had changed us to an inside table. We were a little unclear why they seated us amongst the families in the family dining section but it was ok.

Dinner over we headed back to hers to watch Saturday night tv and drink gin.

I could have sworn I posted this on Saturday but obviously forgot to publish so it’s another back blip I’m afraid.

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