The Blessing

Read in the Bible yesterday when Jesus said in Luke 14:12,  “The next time you put on a dinner, don’t just invite your friends and family and rich neighbors, the kind of people who will return the favor. Invite some people who never get invited out, the misfits from the wrong side of the tracks. You’ll be—and experience—a blessing." We were having a dinner tonight for our Amigos, but I thought, but who could I invite? 

Then, went on my morning trot down to the Lake, and saw what looked like a covered wagon... horses, a donkey, some goats... and a woman with a child... said hello. On the way back, met the man with a smaller child in his arms... invited them to dinner tonight.

Mike went down to check whether they were coming before we laid the table, no sign of them... so we started eating. And then they arrived, with their three curly headed girls. The Amigos were so lovely with them, and they were definitely a blessing to us all. And so grateful to be invited, after a few hard times from other folk. Sorry it's not a great photo, and hasn't got the Dad (half Ethiopian, half French) in the photo, but you can imagine I was rather too busy to be taking photos.

- getting everything ready in time
- this lovely family coming to eat at our table
- the Amigos being so hospitable to them

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