Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Delicious food

And I am all caught up. Phew! That's six blips in a row!

G didn't have to go to school today, so we got on with our own things in the morning. We had a visit from a friend, Wayne. He is a jockey and had a fall last September and has been rehabilitating at home. One of the things he started doing was creating personalised plaques of bible verses for people. Today, he delivered the ones he had made for us. They're lovely!

We met up with Diane in the evening to introduce her to our favourite restaurant. I couldn't resist taking a picture of the food when it arrived. Diane was quietly impressed with the taste, which was a relief. All the guests we take there love the food, so we've maintained that record.

I popped into Carrefour in Wafi again to see about the Iranian tomatoes. No luck. They are well and truly finished, as is the promotion. *Sad*.

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