My suburban life

By MsAlliance

Nursery garden

At the weekend we were very pleased to discover a nest full of Red Whiskered Bulbul [EDIT 4/6: it appears that this is a nest of Chinese Bulbuls and not Red Whiskered Bulbuls] chicks in a potted plant near the house. Mum and Dad have stayed close taking turns to feed and protect the chicks all week and sat there doughtily protecting their brood through yesterday’s torrential rain. I did try and get a photo this morning but no paps, apparently.

Further away from the house a nest appeared in a different shrub last week as well. We weren’t sure whether this was an an abandoned nest but, checking today, discovered it occupied by these beautiful eggs, also of Red Whiskered Bulbuls. How privileged we feel that they’ve chosen our garden in which to raise their broods.

Extra is a progress report of the original chicks. They now have feathers, it seems, and don’t seem to have suffered hugely from the rain but I haven’t been able to ascertain what they think, really.

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