Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck


25 years ago we moved from Aberdeen to Chester. The boss was travelling to her three offices most of the week so I needed to do something mechanical. Mid-wife crisis, buy a bike, not just any bike but the biggest and prettiest beast that Honda make. To jump from a 600cc to this 1500cc monster, weighing in at 800lbs empty of fuel and rider was quite a move but what a riding pleasure. She was so smooth I called her “Silky.” Elaine and I toured Europe, the Pyrenees and had a marvellous time, Silky was my car, I put 50,000 miles on her in three years, which is unusual for a bike. 
A couple of years later I was at the UK Treffen or meeting, with bikers from all over the continent. My task was to lead a team of 20 outriders when we put all the bikes on the road, about 1200 of them. Fun times. A Police Inspector helped liaise with the Traffic Police or Black rats as they are known. While we were talking a pair of Hell’s Angels turned up, they wanted to talk to me about the methodology of controlling a large group of bikes; there were two ‘Angels’ the first of their breed I had met. One was the Chapter leader, based in Essex, with him was a Gorilla, he was the minder for the boss, I had no knowledge at all about Hell’s Angels apart from reputation. They parked their Hogs in front of the Police car. The Inspector had to leave so I asked the lads to move their Hogs. “Nah, tell him he can wait.” Now that is just plain dumb, insolence, displaying a total lack of respect for your host and the Police. When you lead you do so by example, this heavily badged and tattooed chap did neither, well not in my book anyway. 
“You move them or I will!” Apparently it’s an unwritten code that nobody touches another man’s Hog. Deep silence descended like the OK Corral. The gorilla wanted to play, suited me my adrenaline was flowing. The boss shrugged and wheeled his bike away, the gorilla followed suit. The Police Inspector drove away smiling. I then had a quiet word with these two hapless goons. They were guests in our house, our rules, play by them or disappear. This bloke’s registration plate was HOG 666, that must be worth a fortune in Hell’s Angels territory. They realised I wasn’t going to change my mind or back down, we talked, I explained what they wanted to know and off they went. 
I was never into leather waistcoats and chains. Not in public anyway!!!!! 

The extra is a close up of a yellow Iris petal. I think these are the prettiest flowers, soft and the way they delineate colour by the veining is impressive. Leather to petals, what a confusing person I must be. 

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