With this ring

A bittersweet day today.

It should be our first wedding anniversary but the wedding didn’t happen due to covid.
We pushed it back for a year, so should have been in Vegas right now for our second attempt at getting married.
Covid, plus broken leg this time put paid to that.

Although it’s disappointing, I actually feel like we are having a ‘proper’ wedding now.
Don’t get me wrong, Vegas would have been cool and we booked it as that was what we wanted, but knowing how happy our families are to be able to join us third time round does give me the warm fuzzies!

We’ve finally managed to rearrange our booking with the travel agent; I think we’ve been around the world with all the quotes we’ve had so far, but we’ve settled on an adventure tour of Borneo next June (for my big 5-0!).
Excited is an understatement, I can’t wait to see the orangutans (though Mr A says I can just look at him!!).

For my birthday, Mr A bought me a ring. It wasn’t meant to be for any significant reason, I just saw it and liked it what’s not to love about diamonds? plus I thought it might stop my engagement ring from twirling round.
However, it compliments my wedding band (when I finally get to wear it) so I’m going to wear it as an eternity ring.
Seeing the diamonds in the sun is mesmerising; they’re sooooo sparkly!

Thank you to everyone who commented and left stars & hearts on my post yesterday.
I’m milking it for all it’s worth and treating myself to a birthday weekend ;-)

DQ x

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