Water, water everywhere

Especially where we didn’t want it!

This weekend has been lovely; I’ve been well and truly spoilt.

Yesterday we finally christened the bbq we bought months ago and I have to say, Mr A did a superb job as grillmaster. Nobody got the trots!

Laura and Steve came round and were able to stay over, so they could both partake in a few bevvies (usually Laura is designated driver). Between us, we possibly ate a whole cow....soooo much meat!!
Plus leftover packs of meat which are going on the barbie tonight for our tea.

Today we had a drive out to a couple of garden centres and came home with the water feature in the photo.
We’ve been after one for ages and this was a decent size and a great price.
Unfortunately, when we got it home and Mr A set it up, there’s a hole somewhere in one of the top pools, so water is pouring out of the back of it & into the compartment where the cabling, pump & transformer is meant to be housed. So flaming annoying, especially as it’s not a local place!!!!

Looks like we will be having another drive there tomorrow to take it back :-(

DQ x

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