
It has been an interesting day.
We left Inverness before 8am in order to reach Brora by 9 where Daughter #2 was logging on at the Royal Marine Hotel to her Zoom hand surgery meeting. While she was occupied, Daughter #3 and I walked along a long almost deserted beach in sunshine.

Then it was onwards to Scrabster and the ferry to Orkney with that first glimpse for 2 years of Stromness bathed in sunshine.

I was off loaded while the other two went to their lodgings. For me, settling in felt like coming home. Covid has not altered the view from my window over the waters of Hamnavoe where the boats and ferries ply their trade, nor of the busyness of the town itself.

Scallops at the Ferry Inn was a meal which proved to be the perfect culmination for quite a day.

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