Our Roses are still alive and sprouting again!

Today doing my garden watering&cleaning job I discovered the amazing new sprouting of Our Red Rose. Even a little bud manifested itself. It will soon be grown out into a full red rose. Such a relief! And Our other Rose, the White one too showed new sprouting coming out of the roots. Such is Our Sacred Nature; Death&Resurrection. After suffering your loss just keep your Faith and Patience and you will discover that somewhere from the Eternal Tree of Life buds will grow out to new branches, silently waving in the wind.
Meanwhile I have not yet found a feasable way to get rid of Our old Rosebranches and twigs. Just shoved them into side-place where they are no longer in my way. So that now the way is free to unroll the gardenhose. Then I can interchange the way of plantwatering. The cans on normal and the hose on hot sunny days. Both ways ask for different and specific attention and sparing. Tomorrow First thing in the morning will be different from the past after deployng the hose for the first time since the prolonged winterperiod.
As I have been busy before writing these lines now, I could not join an invitation to attend a first post-lockdown Dvorak-Concert in the Rosegarden. It would have been delicious to attend a small open air concert. But I did not feel ready for it yet. But without doubt there are more opportunities to follow. And it does not depend on my mood. My DearestLove would be happy for me if I feel free to join Our small town community.
Around sunset the sky turned red in the East. A magical moment in this silent evening. Good Night!

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