
By emmacooperx

Performance & Cocktails

As it was Hati's birthday on 2nd of March, we headed into Aix to find her a pretty postcard. Seeing as this was harder than you would imagine in France we settled for a pretty postcard of the area which we later spent lots of time customising.
Ludovic was supposed to be meeting his best friend for coffee but as she had no phone battery this proved a little bit tricky. We had a little mooch around the shops, involving going into various tea and biscuit shops and enjoying all the free tasters! We met Marion, and Ludovic finally managed to retrouve his amie and so Elsa, Marion and I visited Skunkfunk, their favourite shop. Cue trying on of lots of clothes that were far to expensive for me to afford. I think those two bought nearly the whole shop as they were having a sale. By the time all of the purchasing was done, we were all in need to a coffee (baring in mind it was 6.30pm!) so we headed back to Marion's appartement for a drink. She then received a text for the infamous Anthony (I've been hearing lots of stories about him for L&E) asking if we wanted to go for a drink so the whole crew (me, Ludo, Elsa, Marion, Elsa's Mum, and Anthony) headed over to a tapas bar for cocktails which were amazing. The waiter was also incredibly cool! After a slightly tense drinks (I get the impression there's some sort of challenge of masculinity between Ludo and Anthony) through which I had to try not to laugh as Ludovic was giving me knowing looks, we headed home for a late dinner.

In the car on the way home Elsa received a text message which was 'For her eyes only' and 'Incredibly confidential'. She, of course, continued to read it out to the whole car. Anthony suggested that 'If I was interested in him, he would love to have me!' After the stories I've heard, I think I'll be giving that one a miss!

Whilst our dinner was cooking, we preceeded to decorate Hati's card with poems, oragami and drawing. I was super proud of it. I hope she likes it. After dinner, we played a game with suspects and alibis in which you have to convince people you are innocent of a crime and agree your story with your partners. Pretty hard when you lack French vocabulary! Never the less I did ok, accept from stating that a place in Italy was actually in Provence, making everyone laugh for hours on end. Embarrassing. Late to bed but it is the holidays after all!

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