
By Honeythedog

A short walk

So Darren not reacted as badly to second jab as the first. He went to work, something he wouldn’t have been able to do after first jab, but fortunately it was his day off the day after first jab.
Unfortunately not all was well. While driving to work he got a sharp pain down his left side, underneath the armpit area, it literally lasted a second or two. He did his work with no further episodes, but then it happened again after work when he was walking to car after doing a bit of shopping, this time going up to his shoulder and down his arm a bit, again it only lasted 2 or 3 seconds. He got home, had something to eat, rested a little, watched a bit of tv. It then happened again, again only a second or two, always in the same area. He left my walk late in the evening, but we drove off to a nice quiet area. While walking it happened again, Darren was already fretting about what could be causing it and we ended up shortening the walk and went back home.
He decided to put an heat bag on the area underneath his left armpit, thinking that if it was muscular the heat may help. It happened once more before bed, Darren had stupidly consulted Dr Google, who was very helpful in scaring the shit out of him, excuse the language :-)
He went to bed with heat bag, did fall asleep eventually. It hasn’t happened today, so far, though he hasn’t really done anything. His side underneath armpit does have a slight dull pain but it is very slight, but it’s in the area where the sharp pains of yesterday were so very likely related.
He’s hoping it’s muscular but is not sure about it at all, it was a very strange pain, though each attack only lasted a few seconds. Could it be related to jab? He’s not sure about that either.
Darren’s a bit of a worrier when it comes to his health, especially unexpected pains in upper body.
I’m hoping he’s better today so I can have a longer walk, we’ll see.

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