
By emmacooperx

The Dog in the Mirror

This morning I was charged with making English breakfast for L, E and Marion. We had bacon and scrambled eggs and fried mushrooms which seemed to go down pretty well actually. I was happy that they liked it because I always feel more than a little bit of pressure when cooking for French people who all seem to believe that England has no good food at all!

In the afternoon we headed to a quieter beach for more sunny snacking. This time Elsa's mum had brought us all moshi from the Japanese and we sat on the rocks eating them. I desperately wasnted to swim in the sea, but I couldn't even paddle due to my choice to wear tights! Next time... Ludovic entertained us all doing cartwheels across the beach, much to the amusement of the children who were all sitting quietly with their families! Elsa and Marion also bumped into someone with who they went to primary school which would have been a great reunion except from he remembered them, but they didn't remember him! Very hilarious! Also hilarious was the dog pictured, he spent at least half an hour staring at his own reflection, occasionally trying to jump into it, and becoming very confused when it didn't work!

This beach was closer to Ludovic's house so we stopped off their for dinner, allowing me to play a bit of Fifa with his brother. For dinner we ate wild pigeon (is that fowl in English?) which was an experience. Wasn't all that convinced about having a beak and tiny little skull on my plate! Watched a bit of French TV and returned home in time to pack for my little trip to Marseille tomorrow!

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