tempus fugit

By ceridwen

How to approach

Very, very cautiously these three foals edged towards the gate where we stood waiting , but not until their mothers had made the initial moves. They are just three of many more in this upland area, part of the spring crop of births to mares that spend most of the time here in all weathers.

How to approach a foal [ a poet suggests]

like a lagoon,
like a canoe,
like you

are part earth
and part moon,
like deja vu,

like you
had never been
to the outer brink

or the inner Louvre,
like hay,
like air,

like your mother
just this morning
had combed a dream

into your hair,
like you
had never heard

a sermon or
a harsh word,
like a fool,

like a pearl,
like you
are new to the world.

 Wendy Videlock

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