Towards Hoy

A foggy start to the day.  When Don McLean played the Phoenix Theatre, in Kirkwall many years ago, his appearance had been delayed by fog on his flight from Aberdeen.  He had the presence of mind, whilst introducing one of his weeel kent numbers, to say ‘I’ve rewritten the start’.  Haary, haary nights.

Answers to last week’s quiz:

1      Raymond Briggs (Author of Father Christmas / Fungus the Bogeyman etc)
2      Borough Briggs (no relation)
3      4, Morfa Road, Llandudno
4      Erasmus
5      2 hours, 17 minutes and 53 seconds.
6      The Equator
7      Martin Buchan
8      Gene Pitney’s aunty Mima
9      Leo Kottke’s Uncle Pete
There were several spoiled papers.  The Broon entered without his parents’ permission. No-one answered correctly.  There is a rollover to next week of £2 16s 3d.
I had a text today informing me there was a parcel standing on my mother’s doorstep.  Ironically it was from their Edinburgh rep.

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