
Back to sunny Ardfern to find low cloud and general dampness. But I wasn’t here for fun anyway, no - I had things to do! Though once I’d inflated the dinghy and ferried the goods aboard, I thought they could wait till tomorrow.
And then, it being a Wednesday, I thought it wouldn’t be right to forego a pint, so I paddled ashore and strolled to the public house. No seats available! Every seat in the place given over to those who had reserved a table for an evening meal. Just then a couple left their table to go to eat in the dining room. I eyed their table and the barman and made him an offer which he accepted - he’d serve me a pint and I promised to down it in a oner if diners arrived. Of course, half way down, diners did arrive but outside it had just dried up. So happily I sat outside and was joined by a few more desperadoes. Though worryingly, some immediately pulled on midge head nets. Perhaps they only go after fragrant people.

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