Not the blip I'd have chosen

In today's world, for reasons both sad and wise, I can't blip the joyous picture of the kids cooking sausages for lunch and playing with Missy, but that's the memory I'll carry forwards from today.
Just a year older than they should have been when they signed up last year, but much much more competent. Also, they're also all very very local. They know they've got this.
At one point one of my groups appeared to be lost in serious terrain (we can see them on GPS trackers) . Sat having coffee with the other instructors a call from the boss, a level of concern. That's when you really want a local expert. As the other instructors looked at me, as they gently pointed out "they're your group....", I sipped my coffee and said "nah, they know where they're going, they're heading for the secret staircase" & then I ordered another coffee.

Sure enough their little tracker dot made an implausible straight line up some tough contours... And back onto the path.

They've been a joy.

Philosophy Friday
In youth we learn: In age we understand.
Marie von Ebner Eschenbach

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