So happy

This might not seem like a big deal for many but for me it's made me so happy. And it's a massive deal for Harp. She has never liked anything in her hair since she was about 1. She would cry and have a complete meltdown if a hair bobble went near her hair. She didn't like the feeling of it. And I had tried many many times. 
Well today it was like a light switch and while I was dressing her her hair was annoying her and I asked if she wanted me to put it up. I expected it to last less than a minute but so far she has had it in all day. She even chose a pretty little clasp too. 

It's been a busy day so far and then throw in cleaning the windows and mowing the back garden too. And playing with the Wildlings. Mr R is at work for a while and this mumma gets to go and have a meal with her friends later. ( Hence the early blip ). I'm even going to wear a dress. Shock horror. But I'll be wearing sneakers with it. I'm just looking forward to having a good giggle and some wine. It's one of my friends birthday on Monday. She doesn't know that I'm showing up for her meal. It will be a lovely evening. 

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