
By AnnieBScotland

piece to camera

in Edinburgh today, the last day of being a tour guide. we spent most of the day up and down the Royal Mile and I had only taken my compact today, and then found the batttery low, so only took a few pics. I did have a couple of good ones in the batch, but outside the Court I saw a couple of reporters doing pieces to camera and thinking of the monthly challenge of street photography thought this might be worth a blip. A convicted murderer was at court day asking for his case to be referred to the Supreme Court as a miscarriage of justice. It was thrown out. I heard the name and was able to Google to see what it was all about.

I got a long shot of the world's most pierced woman - she normally demands payment if she sees you photographing her - but she was a bit fuzzy and she will be there next time.

Lovely in the sun, but chilly out of it. A nice coffee and scone at the Palace of Holyroodhouse cafe to start the day, a wander in and out of the many closes on the Royal Mile, a visit to the Museum of Childhood and the Castle esplanade for the views, then time for Gabrielle to get the train back to London.

I dashed home to dinner ready - thanks John - then off to a meeting at New Lanark. just enjoying a cold glass of wine before bed.

catch up soon, promise!

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