The Anchor square of Hatanpää park

The picture shows the planting of Anchor Square with its blood drops in Hatanpää Park of Tamperr.
Unfortunately, this year the anchor stem (bright red flowers) has been made so wide that the anchor pattern doesn’t stand out properly.

I met an old lady in the park. She had lived here near the park for 30 years. He said that according to tradition, one of the daughters of the Idman family former owners of Hatanpää Manor, would have drowned on this beach. And therefore the city of Tampere stlll is planting annually an anchor pattern and blood drops.

This Hatanpää Park and the anchor park without the anchor itself) can already be seen on late 18th century maps, during the time of Boije. The Idmans became the owners of the park after the Boije family, in early 1900's.

A lot to walk and to do today, some 10.125 footsteps for me. We made a dog-fence too, me and the poodle Nicke. And we had two long walks and good meals and sauna to relax too. Nicke-dog also likes to visit in sauna. Early to bed (just after the tragic Denmark-Finland Football game). My companion surely got enough steps too today.


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