Grace and Autumn

This afternoon my garden rang with the laughter of children not heard for a long time. Last time they came was January for a quick visit as it was so cold and they had to stay in the street (lockdown rules) The time before was at the end of the 2nd lockdown when they could come in the garden. Today they were full of fun and laughter,. It's Graces 10th Birthday on Wednesday so she had her presents and cards today from us. Books and a bracelet making kit which she loved. We explored the garden like we used to, counting the apples on the apple tree, and seeing how the blackcurrents were coming on, amazed at the flower on one of the rhubarb plants, inspected the little tomatoes in the greenhouse and deliberated why the cucumber plant died.

I had made chocolate buns and Marmalade buns so afternoon tea ( tea for the adults apple juice for the girls) went down well.  It was nice to chat with my son who seems quite happy these days and he spent most of the time talking computers and the old cars we used to have with his dad. (yesterday whilst clearing some old papers I found a folder with all the receipts etc from our very first car in 1966, a red mini, through all the years, to mid 2000's so they were added to recent ones)

The dogs were pleased to see them, Molly made a big fuss then took herself off upstairs to bed (too noisy for an old dog) but Tanzy did her cracker dog impression and stayed out with us.
Marks dog Izzy is nearly 14 now and he says she is as deaf as a post.  When he was on holiday the other week he got up and found her curled up and when he touched her there was no response but she was breathing and he was worried she might have had a stroke or something so he rushed off to get ready and was going to go take her to see a vet, he was just putting his shoes on when this white bundle of fluff  leapt over the back of the chair landed on him and made a big fuss of him. She just was so fast asleep she hadn't heard him. They do nearly give us heart failure sometimes.

They went home armed with goodies of course, even Mark with some packs of fresh ground coffee from a local mill who have just recently, during lockdown. set up a new business and we had bought a few sample bags to see which we liked best, so he took 4 of them with him to try as well.

They stayed for about 3 and a half hours, but had to go because they were going home to their mothers (they didn't want to go). So all in all it was a very happy afternoon. and I am one delighted grandma.

Heres to the next time...

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