
By Grammy

Three Beauties and a Disaster

Drizzly on and off most of the morning then sunny and warm. Up at the crack of dawn to set up and set out all our treasures. Hubby, my sister and BIL arrived and with help from our SIL and his mom we were almost finished before our first customer arrived around 6:30 am. My daughter served us breakfast as we worked and then she and the children assisted with the project. It was an emotional day. We had pictures of Noah, heart rocks my sister had painted and his story on a table. After we explained a bit about the disease, one Hispanic couple emptied their wallets into the donation jar. They explained they lost their 24 year old son and the community came to their aid. They wanted to return the kindness. I have to tell you, the tears flowed. We put away the unsold merchandise around 1:30. I helped my daughter get ready for her pool party, went home, found my blip, picked some of my plentiful bluebberies, cleaned up, went to Mass, stopped by a child’s birthday party and then returned to my daughter’s for dinner. The hydrangeas are all from the same bush that has really spread out in my front flower garden. The disaster is what’s left of one of the beautiful hosta plants in my formal garden. And it has many more leaves than some of its bed mates. I imagine the deer will continue to enjoy these plants until they are all gone. Besides the outside fence, we had each hosta in its own tomato cage. Guess I will have to cover them with chicken wire. All in all we had a successful day. Our world is full of wonderful people, I pray you encounter a few as kind as our visitors today. Thanks for stopping by.

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