Voluptuous, Vibrant Valerian

... on a bank by the roadside. 

I used to walk these back lanes regularly. Sometimes, I'd have to step aside for a tractor or a farmer's vehicle. Now, I think everybody must have updated their SatNavs. Instead of using the main road, drivers are snarling up these unsuitably narrow lanes. I literally have to stick my heels up the bank - dodging nettles - to squeeze out of their way. Twice today cars met others coming the other way and had to back up and mess around. They're saving themselves no time; just getting in the way of walkers and farm traffic. It'll be interesting when the farmers next move their sheep from one field to another!! Grrr!

Today is, I think, the hottest day of the year so far. It's too hot to be out in the sun for long, but just lovely. Hope it's sunny where you are, blipmates!

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