Hot, hot, hot!

It was another scorcher of a day.  I got all hot and flustered first thing by tackling Leo’s wardrobe.  We had a massive clearout of clothes and shoes that he has outgrown, plus a whole mountain of football boots.  We filled about 5 bin bags full ready for a charity collection tomorrow.

We had a quick trip to M&S for elevenses after all that hard work and then I stayed inside in the cool for the rest of the day and watched the footie. Leo had drawn the Netherlands in my work’s Euro sweepstake and he is pleased that they won 3-2. I drew Scotland so have to wait until tomorrow to see how they fare.  England won their game in spite of everyone questioning Gareth’s team selection - bet he feels smug now!

I couldn’t face cooking a roast as it was must too hot so we had a much more palatable salad instead.  It looks healthy here but it got slightly less healthy when I added the beef and egg!

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