The 'Hogeveensemolen', Noordwijkerhout

'Hogeveen' = 'Ho-guh-vain' = the Hogeveen windmill.
'Hoog' (sounds like the 'o' in Col. Hogan) means 'high'.
'Laag'  means 'low'.
The 'Lageveensemolen' is in the extra shots.  I'm not planning to come another time to shoot it.  A railway track runs right next to it.
'Noordwijkerhout' sounds like 'Nord-wiker-howt'.
The windmill was built in 1654 but, as you can see, it has been beautifully renovated.  My nickname for it is 'the Nun'.  Either that, or 'the Office'.
This area is close to the border with the province of Noord Holland.  Not to forget that the two Hollands are just two of the provinces in 'The Netherlands'.  There's a new law that's just been passed, prohibiting the use of the name 'Holland' for referring to the whole country, at least in official documents.  It will take time for foreigners to learn this.  Would you believe some people think Amsterdam is the whole country?

It was a hot, leisurely drive and I stubbornly stuck to the speed limit.
On the way back, did some supermarket errands.

Our women won their hockey gold, too!  So both the men and the women are champions this year!
And our football team won their match 3-2 against Ukraine!  They need to grow more into the game, though.

Later in the evening, cleaned the kitchen and cleared the counters because the measurements guy will come very early tomorrow to check the information we gave the shop and to let us know what we have to do before the kitchen can be installed.  This isn't new info for us, actually, as we also had the kitchen in our previous house changed in 2004.  I hope the new one will feel just as cozy.

Started the philosophy blog assignment and was having fun, but I need more than a couple of hours to make it good, so will continue with it tomorrow.

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