Tuesday's painting...

...I am so tired. No sleep the night before last.
Last night, I mislaid my phone. I was ID'ing some leaves in my garden with Google lens.

Popeye was with me, and then disappeared into the undergrowth. So, I put phone on swing, so I could catch him...

Came in with cat. I thought I picked up my phone on the way back indoors. And I put phone down so I could lock the door. Went and fed cat.

Midnight. Where is my phone? Couldn't find it. Shot outside to check the swing to see if I had left it on swing. Couldn't find it. I didn't have my speech processor on so I have no idea if any noise in garden. But I can feel/see the leaves on my bushes moving. The air feels different. When I have no incoming sound, my sight and other senses go on super alert. So I shot in, grabbing cat who is trying to make his escape out of door as I am trying to get in. Shut door just in time before a badger came hurtling at the door. It is a full length window door leading to garden.

Popeye wants to get at badger. Badger wants to get at Popeye. But fortunately there is glass between them. I go and check the front garden, and there is mum and dad badger digging it up. So that must have been their badger cub in the back garden.

Go back to look what is going on at the back. Badger cub is still quite a hefty weight. Size of a very large cat. It is so excited like this is its first outing away from mum and dad. So playful. Popeye is going from study to bedroom. I want to get this badger he says. I can take it on...

I search for my phone again, for over an hour.

No phone.

Finally I collapse in bed. I can't sleep. I have visions of trying to explain to my insurance company that a teenage badger has made off with my phone and is learning social media...

This morning when it was light, I gingerly go outside. I don't know if badger cub has trapped himself and not been able to get out again. Garden appears to be devoid of badgers, but it looks like a heck of a party took place. And the packets of seeds I had accidentally left on the swing were all opened and scattered all over the garden...

I came back in. And my hand reached out and opened a drawer. There was my phone. I had put it in there for safety...

So that's the inspiration for this morning's sketch in Procreate.

I am half dead here and can hardly keep my eyes open...but I do have my phone!

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