Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


I was very happy to see this chap today and several of his /her relatives. Having been singularly unsuccessful with my nematodes, it looks like the ladybird larvae are doing rather better. These two are on the cranesbill at the front of the garden which, I've noticed this year for the first time, is absolutely sticky with aphids so lots for them to tuck into. I saw about a dozen larvae - who seem to be able to move very quickly - and two or three pupae too. How exciting, Katy and the girls were nearly as excited as I was. I think I need to get out more!
I was out this morning first thing as I had a hair appt at noon, I am now freshly blonded again and feeling much lighter around the head too. Looking forward to 2 minute blasts with the hairdryer for a while rather than longer sessions.
We had a second painter look at the church hall this afternoon then popped up to a friends to drop off her birthday bag. We nearly saw her, too, but got our timing just wrong. On the way back we went into Modern One for a coffee. We found out the hard way that if you want to go into the cafe you have to go in via the garden rather than the front door. We had carefully parked at the back then walked all the way around to the front only to find that there was no way through the galleries any longer. We just made it back round to the rear of the building in time for last orders! Still it all helps with the step count!
I did some work on the front terrace beds when we got home, removing rose suckers and couch grass - where does it come from so quickly! Then I started getting exciting about the life cycle of ladybirds!
The scone was a mistake, it was neither particularly cheesy nor particularly good and it put me off my dinner!
The girls arrived at 7.30 after their baths and settled down straight into bed with stories for Isobel and light reading for Eilidh. I'm so glad our local cancer research shop sells children's books at 25p. I think I'm their best customer. They get them back to sell again though because they are so cheap, so it's a win / win situation.
We watched the first episode of The Serpent on Kathryn's recommendation. Life in Bangkok in the '70' s, shades of my yoof! Not that I actually went to Bangkok but much of the rest of it looks familiar.
Keep safe everybody, it's so easy to let our guards down.

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