One too many mornings

By stevieholmes

Tea time theme time?

Dear baby,

Another day at work juggling jobs. You'll quickly realise that your mum is actually an octopus in human form, able to juggle at least 8 things at once, although I'm sure you'll find a way to make me drop a few in the future.

Today, your Dad has taken a trip to see his parents with another car load of boxes of random things. He doesn't throw things away very easily, consequently your poor grand parents have rather a lot of unsorted boxes of jumbled bits and bobs in their spare room as a result of the two of us moving into my flat. Lucky us - we'll inherit them when we have a house! Lets see if he manages to empty them by the time you turn 10? Shall we have a bet?

Anyhow, being busy at work as all well and good, but we all need a break from time to time. Now, I COULD snack from the bag of almonds on my desk, brought back from Portugal by the boss, OR I could eat these custard creams. I wonder which I'll choose....?

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