
By maureen6002

Servants of God

But for obligatory service stops, this is our only stop-off today. The Old Church at Muthill dates back to the mid 1100s when a community of Culdees - servants of God - established a monastic community here. Elements of the building were built between then and the 16th century, with architectural details suggesting links with Dunblane Cathedral.  In the 1820s it was abandoned and partially dismantled to provide building materials for the new parish church. 

Like all abandoned buildings, its atmosphere resonates with the spirits of those who once lived and worshiped there. It’s a beautiful introduction to our Scottish adventure! 

So here we are, settled into Pitlochry, having just watched Wales’ victory, about to go out for a meal - and just possibly a celebratory drink. Added to the good news is the fact I have finally got an appointment in St Marks London - it’s amazing what happens when you kick up a fuss about poor administration, but that really shouldn’t be necessary. 

Thank you for all your kind wishes. I think the antibiotics are starting to work, and I won’t let it spoil my holiday. 

WiFi is very dodgy, so comments may be very thin on the ground I’m afraid. 

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