
By schorschi

Hoof horn treat for dogs & chickens

Farrier Dieter visit which we (Angie) completely forgot. I had written it on the calendar back in January but Angie decided to throw out my wall calendar to replace it with one with photos. Since then we miss all appointments.
When he arrived he couldn't get on to the property as the gate was closed. As he said, for once a mobile phone really was good as he phoned Angie who was underway with Sultan & the dogs. She phoned me in the stables & I could let him in. Angie rode home at speed.
On the Blip there are horses, dogs, chickens & 1 of the cats to be seen but what I like is the star reflection on the car grill. Dogs were filthy with their stomachs full of frozen mud/ice lumps which simply would not melt. They both ended up in the shower. Snow was minimal but temperature dropped overnight & had to rush out at sunrise to switch on the stables water pipe heating as it was heading towards -10°C! In 48 hours they are promising the return of spring, so no moaning.
Hope things are returning to normal in the UK. Quite extraordinary weather when the German TV weather report says that Algeria is having snow at 700 meters due to the cold air blowing in from the British Isles!!!! Hopefully it won't be long before we have to clean our cars of Sahara sand.

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